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Aberlink Project X Vision System

Non-contact Metrology | Optical & Video (2-Axis)

Project X is different. It utilises a patented technology XY scale, that records not only X and Y position but also any rotational movement of the camera system. The camera is free to glide around the measurement area mounted on a simple air bearing system, without any worry about constraining the mechanics to avoid losing accuracy.

Project X finally replaces the old technology of a profile projector. It is easier to use than a profile projector. It is quicker to use than a profile projector and it will deliver reliable, consistent inspections time after time. Project X is available as either a manual machine or with full CNC control.

Making measurement easy- every Aberlink CMM is supplied with the industry standard Aberlink 3D measurement software. World renowned for its easy-to-use, yet powerful interface, Aberlink is the only leading CMM manufacturer to offer zero-cost annual software maintenance contracts or subscriptions and free software updates, including all major releases. This means cost of ownership is very low and ensuring rapid ROI.

Price available on request

Product Overview

Motion: Manual or CNC
Axis Travel (mm): X 400 | Y 300 | Z 125
2D Accuracy: 7.5µm
Stand Off (mm): 125
Field of View (mm): 10

Everything you need to start measuring from day one.

Find out more about the Aberlink Project X Vision System

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+44 (0)1452 545563


10 King Edwards Avenue, Gloucester, GL1 5DA, United Kingdom