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WARPsurf Rugo-Profilometer

Profile & Surface Measurement | Surface Roughness

The WARPsurf is a turning point in the world panorama of the instruments for surface analysis, because it gives in a single portable instrument the capability to perform both roughness and profilometry analysis. The brilliant 7’’ touch screen display, combined with modern user interface, allows the user to become quickly familiar with the instrument, setting easily the measure parameters, positioning on the piece and performing the analysis.

The instrument is equipped with a 1GHz microprocessor that allows to have a fluid system and fast processing even with complex profiles. Extremely compact and handy, the WARPsurf allows to position easily on big pieces thanks to the integrated micrometric that covers 110 mm range.

Thanks to the standard USB interface, it is possible to plug a regular USB drive to save images or PDF reports; using this interface the instrument can connect to a common desktop printer and directly print on A4. The instrument can analyze surface features along with dimensional ones, thanks to the interchangeable styluses for both roughness and profilometry.

£ 8,715.00 ex VAT

Product Overview

Measurement Range: ±1500μm | ±2500μm
Resolution: 0,1nm
Cut-off Length: 0,08 - 0,25 - 0,8 - 2,5 - 8 mm
Cut-off Length: Selectable from 1 to 20 (1 to 6 for 8 mm cut-off)
Traverse Length: Up to 60 mm
Pick Up: Inductive, it can be rotated of 90' for lateral measurements and interchangeable stylus
Measurement Parameters: Ra, Rq, Rt, Rz, Rp, Rv, Rc, Rsk, Rku, RSm, RΔq, RΔa, Rmax, Rδc, Rmr, Rmr(c), RPc, RLo, Rlr, Rzjis, RHSC, R3z, hp, Ep Pa, Pq, Pt, Pq, Pv, Pc, Psk, Pku, PSm, PΔq, Pδc, PPc, PLo, Plr, PHSC Wa, Wq, Wt, Wz, Wp, Wv, Wc, Wsk, Wku, WSm, WΔq, Wδc, WPc, WLo, Wlr, WHSC Rk, Rpk, Rvk, Mr1, Mr2, A1, A2, Rpk*, Rvk*, WDSm, WDc, WDt R, AR, Rx, W, Aw, Wx, Wte, Rke, Rpke, Rvke, Mr1e, Mr2e, A1e, A2e
Available Charts: Roughness, Waviness, Dominant waviness, Primary, Material ratio curve (bearing) and height amplitude distribution (density)

Everything you need to start measuring from day one.

Find out more about the WARPsurf Rugo-Profilometer

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+44 (0)1452 545563


10 King Edwards Avenue, Gloucester, GL1 5DA, United Kingdom