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Innovatest NEMESIS 5100G2 Universal Hardness Tester

Hardness Testing | Hardness Testers

Universal Hardness Tester

Cutting Edge Technology, and beyond...

The second generation of the NEMESIS 5100, the G2, Rockwell / Vickers / Knoop and Brinell hardness tester provides exceptional performance, designed to match the most demanding user tasks. The NEMESIS 5100G2 contains a revolutionary force application range and renewed optical system.

The all new 9 position tool changer (turret) accommodates a wide range of indenters, indenter actuators with load cells, objectives, a cross-laser positioning system and a load cell supported touch probe. It also provides a base to the 18 megapixel full color measurement camera and 18 megapixel full color overview camera with variable field of view, motorized zoom and auto focus system.

For additional information and pricing, please contact our sales team. Other Hardness Testers from the Innovatest 'Universal' range available from ECG, please enquire about specific products not included on our website.

Price available on request

Product Overview

Scales: Rockwell, Superficial Rockwell, Brinell, Vickers, Knoop
Test Forces: 10gf – 3000kgf (multi load cell, closed loop)
Camera: 18 Megapixels, Full HD camera system, with zoom and auto-focus
Overview Camera: Full HD optical zoom stage overview camera
Objectives: 0.7X, 2.5X, 5X, 10X, 20X, 40X, 60X, 100X
9 Position Turret: 9 position tool changer (turret) with visual LED process indicators
Control: Fully integrated i7 Controller, Windows 10 operated, 27” industrial touchscreen, IMPRESSIONS™ advanced workflow software, includes automatic measurement, stage control & pattern configurator, key board & mouse
Illumination: Power LED
Z-Axis: Descending test head, with collision detection, CNC motorized, ball bearing slide, with fast up down and digital scroll wheel for fine adjustment
XY-Stage: Manual, motorized stages or/and anvils or work tables at choice
Joystick: X-Y-Z control over integrated joystick
Workpiece Acc.: 150mm (H) X 230mm (D)
Output: USB, LAN, Bluetooth
Software: Large choice of software options, features, plug-ins and add-ons, Q-DAS certified

Everything you need to start measuring from day one.

Find out more about the Innovatest NEMESIS 5100G2 Universal Hardness Tester

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+44 (0)1452 545563


10 King Edwards Avenue, Gloucester, GL1 5DA, United Kingdom