For many years the Aberlink 3D measurement software has been setting the industry standard for both ease of use and speed of programming. However, until now this has been best done by using the teach-and-repeat method of programming when measuring a component. But what if you want to prepare the measurement programme before you even have the first component?
Introducing the programming from CAD software module, which in true Aberlink fashion, allows the simplest programming possible from either an IGES or STEP CAD model, either on the CMM or offline as a virtual CMM.
If you can use Aberlink 3D software then you will already know how to use the CAD programming module – it couldn’t be easier. Rather than taking measurement points on a component, you can now just click on the surface of the model where you would like the points to be taken.
World renowned for its easy-to-use, yet powerful interface, Aberlink is the only leading CMM manufacturer to offer zero-cost annual software maintenance contracts or subscriptions and free software updates, including all major releases.
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Everything you need to start measuring from day one.
One time purchase, no on-going costs!
Aberlink CAD Programming Module
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Aberlink Programming from CAD Software
+44 (0)1452 545563
10 King Edwards Avenue, Gloucester, GL1 5DA, United Kingdom