Now on its fourth iteration, with over 10,000+ users worldwide and available in many languages, Aberlink’s revolutionary measurement software provides the user with a powerful, yet user-friendly solution for inspection measurements. This not only increases component throughput but vastly reduces the learning period for new users.
Aberlink 3D software is revolutionary. For example, Feature Predict enables you to just take measurement points and the software automatically determines if you are measuring a Plane, Line or Circle feature. Move from feature to feature and the software predicts what you are measuring. As a component is measured a representation of it is built up on the screen. The user simply clicks on the measured features to call up dimensions exactly as they would appear on a drawing.
Designed around a graphical interface, Aberlink 3D can work in 2D or 3D, on manual or CNC CMMs and is equally at home when used with either touch, scanning or vision systems.
World renowned for its easy-to-use, yet powerful interface, Aberlink is the only leading CMM manufacturer to offer zero-cost annual software maintenance contracts or subscriptions and free software updates, including all major releases.
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Product Overview
Everything you need to start measuring from day one.
Automatic measurement routines
Powerful interactive graphics window
Automatic feature recognition
2D and 3D inspection
Geometric feature inspection
Free form curve inspection
DXF data import/export
STEP and IGES export
Feature construction
Intelligent feature projection
GD&T dimensions and tolerances
Digital Read Out (DRO)
Teach & repeat programming
Drag and drop programme editor
Run programs from any point
Measure a subset of features
Simple object-based programming
No complex programming language
Automated batch inspection
Password protect programmes
Automatic safety moves
Feature replicator
Engineering drawing GD&T
Form plots
Batch summary
Tabulated reports
Graphical fly-out labels
Drag & drop reporting
Real-time SPC
Combine multiple views
Export to Excel
Historical data reporting
Manual and CNC machines
Vision measuring systems
Portable arms
Video inspection machines
Profile projectors
Manual probe heads
Automated probe heads
Rigid probes
Motorised probe head
Change racks
Touch trigger probes
Vision and video probes
Aberlink 3D Measurement Software - No Annual Fees!
CAD Comparison Module
CAD Programming Module
Tool Offset Compensation Module
Find out more about the
Aberlink 3D Measurement Software
+44 (0)1452 545563
10 King Edwards Avenue, Gloucester, GL1 5DA, United Kingdom