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Trimos V6 Height Gauge

Gauging & Hand Tools | Height Gauges

Manual/Motorised Digital Height Gauge

The vertical measuring instruments V5 and V6 are the descendants of the legendary V+ line; universally recognised for its ease of use and high quality.

Their clear display and user-friendly functions offer exceptional ease of use. But that’s not all: the V5 and V6 are equipped with a revolutionary displacement hand-wheel offering its user the choice of displacement mode of the measuring carriage; either manual or motor-driven. Neither mode is compromised, which means that the user who prefers a manual instrument will not notice a difference from a classic manual instrument, and the same applies to the motor-driven displacement. This innovation avoids having to make a difficult choice during the purchasing process and can accommodate multiple users with the same instrument.

The design of the V5 with its side probe holders revives an old Trimos tradition: they enable measuring with long, robust probes guaranteeing excellent repeatability. The V6 is of the same calibre as the V5. It’s equipped with a more precise measuring system and enables the use of an electronic perpendicular probe.

Price available on request

Product Overview

Code No. Description Range (mm) Range (Inch) Maximum Error (µm) Repeatability (µm) Resolution Note
20-V6-400 Measuring range with extension mm/inch - 719/28.3 407 16 2 + L(mm)/400 1 (Ø: 2) 0.001mm / (0.00005inch) With Air Cushion
20-V6-700 Measuring range with extension mm/inch - 1023/40.3 711 28 2 + L(mm)/400 1 (Ø: 2) 0.001mm / (0.00005inch) With Air Cushion
20-V6-1100 Measuring range with extension mm/inch - 1422/56 1110 43.7 2 + L(mm)/400 1 (Ø: 2) 0.0001mm / (0.000005inch) With Air Cushion

Everything you need to start measuring from day one.

Find out more about the Trimos V6 Height Gauge

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+44 (0)1452 545563


10 King Edwards Avenue, Gloucester, GL1 5DA, United Kingdom